

Budgt for Current Month

Calculate budget and expense percentage base on the income and expenses entered – 2017. Budget

Q and A

Q and A

Question and answers

A random question is displayed, the user can choose the correct one from multiple choices. After select the answer, the correct answer is displayed. Every time, theĀ user click on the “Next Question” button, a new question will be displayed – 2016 to 2017. Q and A

Pig Game

Pig Game

Who is the winner!

Two players, each gets to roll the dices. Whoever reach the desirable final score or the default score of 100 wins the game – 2016. Pig Game

Solar Club

Solar Club

Solar Panels deal finder

Suggest the top three vendors for your solar panel needs, base on the location, direction of the house, housing style, roof style, trees around the house and average monthly electric bill – 2015. Solar Club