Welcome to Gelato Web Studio

We serve most of your website needs


Website Architecture

Specialize in website architecture; organize stories; break down into manageable tasks.

Logo Design

Design the logo which represents your brand.

Website Design

Website design to ensure the site offers great user experience.

Website Development

Build interactive, responsive website with modern technologies.

Enhance SEO

Taking steps to help your website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results.

Improve Site Performance

Utilize useful techniques to help improve the frontend optimization.
Focusing on clean code, compressing images, minimizing external requests, implementing a CDN, and a few other methods, we can dramatically increase the speed and overall performance of your website.


Gelato Web Studio serves most of your website needs. We create web products which offer users a great experience: delightful, usable, and responsive.

We implement in all phases of the web project development life cycle, emphasize on front-end development from the beginning to the end; including planning, information gathering, analysis, architect, design, development, testing, delivery, and maintenance.

We understand the challenges of web compatibility, performance, usability, accessibility, maintainability; we are passionate about solving these issues. We also have a strong understanding of web technology trends; we are familiar with front-end optimization and performance techniques. We apply the best practices in web development to build robust front-end solutions which are secure, browser compatible, effective in usability and highly maintainable.

Our mission is to create aesthetically pleasing, highly functional and effective user experiences and I strive to meet and exceed this mission.

Some of our noteworthy accomplishments include projects that we led and built for NASA, IBM and startups in Silicon Valley.

We are specialized: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, Node JS, MySQL, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop.




Use Adobe Photoshop to edit graphics, enhance and manipulate images to improve their overall appearance.



Use Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics editor, to create logos, icons, drawings, typography, and complex illustrations.



Using HTML5, a markup language, to structure and presenting your web content on the World Wide Web.



Using CSS3, the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheets language, to style your websites, including the design, layout, and variations in displaying for different devices and screen size.



Using JavaScript, a lightweight, dynamic, interpreted with first-class function programming language, to implement interactive features of your website.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Develop websites with Responsive Web Design to allow desktop web pages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with.

Profolio – Projects

Q and A
Pig Game
Solar Club


Budgt for Current Month

Calculate budget and expense percentage base on the income and expenses entered – 2017. Budget

Q and A

Q and A

Question and answers

A random question is displayed, the user can choose the correct one from multiple choices. After select the answer, the correct answer is displayed. Every time, theĀ user click on the “Next Question” button, a new question will be displayed – 2016 to 2017. Q and A

Pig Game

Pig Game

Who is the winner!

Two players, each gets to roll the dices. Whoever reach the desirable final score or the default score of 100 wins the game – 2016. Pig Game

Solar Club

Solar Club

Solar Panels deal finder

Suggest the top three vendors for your solar panel needs, base on the location, direction of the house, housing style, roof style, trees around the house and average monthly electric bill – 2015. Solar Club




Flip and rotate Domino dices, a responsive project – 2015. Domino



8Coupons and Google Map

A meshup of 8Coupons and Google Map – 2012. Mesh-up

Contact Us

Contact Form
Gelato Web Studio
Redwood City, CA
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